Tips for Delicious DIY Donuts

Photo by Anna Sullivan on Unsplash

Donuts are the kind of thing that people don’t really realize they can make on their own at home, but you totally can. It may be a little bit tricky and sticky the first few times, but these tips should help the process go much smoother.

Get the Oil to the Right Temperature

Donuts are deep-fried, and like with all deep-frying, it’s incredibly important to get the temperatures right if you want the result to be correct. For donuts, you want your oil to be between 360 and 375 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s the only way that they’ll expand and get fluffy instead of filling up with oil.

Don’t Skimp on the Glaze (or Filling)

The truth is that plain donuts are just that – plain. You probably wouldn’t enjoy a store-bought donut without glaze, toppings, filling, or powdered sugar, so don’t hold your homemade donuts to that impossible standard, either. If you’re making donuts, be prepared to make something sweet to put on top of them (or in them), too.

The Proof is in the Proofing

Donuts require patience because the dough has to be proofed not once, but twice. The first time, you’ll want to let your dough rise overnight. It may be tough to wait, but it’ll be worth it.