Tips for Cooking Fish That Will Save You Time in the Kitchen

Photo by CA Creative on Unsplash

Cooking fish doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. In fact, you may find it the perfect option for busy weekday dinners. Here are a few great tips to help you out. 

Choose Quick-Cooking Varieties

Opt for fish varieties that cook fast, such as tilapia, salmon filets, trout, or sole. These thinner cuts or smaller fish cook faster than thicker cuts, reducing overall cooking time.

Utilize the Microwave for Quick Thawing

If using frozen fish, defrost it quickly in the microwave. Place the fish in a microwave-safe container, and defrost on low power in short intervals, flipping the fish occasionally to ensure even thawing.

Try the One-Pan Method

Utilize the convenience of one-pan cooking. Bake or roast your fish along with vegetables or starch-like potatoes. Place everything on a sheet pan, drizzle with olive oil, season, and bake. This method not only saves time but also minimizes cleanup.

Or Try Steaming

For an alternative fast cooking method, try steaming. It’s also very healthy. Invest in a steamer basket or use a makeshift one with a pot and a tight-fitting lid. Add aromatics like citrus slices, ginger, or herbs to infuse flavor while the fish cooks, and enjoy!