Three Kitchen Hacks to Keep Food Fresh Longer

Image by difisher from Pixabay

If you’re a big fan fresh produce, but struggle to maintain its shelf life, and end up throwing out a lot of food, then look no further. We’ve compiled a short list of kitchen hacks to keep produce and other perishable items fresher.

Airtight Containers

if you have a lot of fresh fruit like berries, rinse them and store them in airtight containers. This way, they will stay fresher for much longer than they would in there original plastic containers. You can also use these containers to store leftovers, or for fresh herbs. Pro tip- put a paper towel in between fresh herbs and put them in an airtight container to keep them fresh for longer!


Make good use of your freezer when necessary and store fish, meat, or prepared soups, so they stay fresh for when you’re ready to cook. Bread can be stored in the freezer as well, and only taken out for use, to insure optimal freshness.

Date and Label

By labeling and dating when you made or purchased your food, you’ll be able to keep track of freshness, and avoid eating expired foods. This will also help you separate old with new, and allow to you to use the first in first out rule, so you do not forget about items that have been in the fridge longer.