The Only Secret Ingredient You Need For Fluffy Scrambled Eggs

Tips for fluffy scrambled eggs
Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash

Scrambled eggs are a simple breakfast dish that’s easy to make, but it’s also easy to do something wrong. Too high heat can make them dry and rubbery but you definitely don’t want to leave them uncooked! When it comes to getting the right texture, you can add a “secret ingredient” that will keep your scrambled eggs moist. Most people use a little bit of milk for this, but we have something better.

How It’s Done

While a spoonful of milk can be a good choice for making eggs better, there’s an ingredient that does an even better job. It’s taught in culinary schools but it’s actually very obvious and you probably already have it in your fridge. A dollop of sour cream is all you need to achieve the best scrambled egg texture yet. It won’t affect the taste but it will give your breakfast more body and just the right amount of moisture.

Just Like a Pro

This is the trick many expert chefs use and it works every single time. Try to make your breakfast eggs like this and you may discover that you’ve finally achieved the perfect dish served at fancy restaurants. Share the secret with friends—or let them think you’re a magician if you prefer.