The Most Thrilling Food Challenges in America

Photo by Scott Eckersley on Unsplash

Food challenges have become increasingly popular in recent years, with restaurants and food trucks creating outrageous meals and daring customers to finish them within a certain amount of time. They range from massive burgers to spicy wings to insane amounts of pizza and come with impressive prizes for those brave enough to attempt them.

The “Kitchen Sink Sundae” At The San Francisco Creamery Co.

This dessert features a massive sundae dish filled with eight scoops of ice cream, eight toppings, whipped cream, nuts, and cherries. If you can finish it within an hour, you get your picture on the wall, a free T-shirt, and, of course, bragging rights.

The “Atomic Wing Challenge” At Quaker Steak & Lube In Pennsylvania.

If you’re a fan of spicy food, this challenge might be for you. This challenge requires you to eat a dozen wings drenched in a sauce made with the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper. If you can finish them within five minutes, you get a T-shirt and a spot on the restaurant’s Wall of Flame.

The “Old 96er Challenge” At The Great Steak Challenge in Oregon.

This challenge requires you to eat a 6-pound steak, a salad, a baked potato, and a roll within an hour. If you can finish it, you get a T-shirt, your name on the restaurant’s Wall of Fame, and, if you’re lucky, a free meal for life.

The “Goliath Burger Challenge” At The Clinton Station Diner In New Jersey.

This burger features five 8-ounce beef patties, five slices of cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and a pound of fries on the side. If you can finish it within an hour, you get a T-shirt, a certificate, and your meal for free.