The Most Optimal Way to Heat Up Pizza

Photo by Sahand Hoseini on Unsplash

When it comes to doing things in the kitchen, beginner chefs eventually learn that there are often multiple ways of doing the same thing. This, of course, means that the question often becomes which of these methods is the best route to take—and the answer isn’t always clear. Take heating up leftover pizza for example. Even an act as simple as this has a few options you can take. However, if you ask us, the most ideal way to do it is to use the microwave.

Perfect for the Job

Here’s why using a microwave is by far the best way to heat up a pizza that’s leftover. Now, if you were to ask us the best tool for cooking a pizza from the start, we’d say an oven in a heartbeat. The problem is that once the pizza has already been cooked, been sitting out for while, and perhaps even spent extra time in the fridge—drastic steps must be taken.

A pizza that’s leftover has the problem of being too hard and impossible to chew. The microwave does a great job at addressing this exact issue because it’s very effective at adding moisture to the food. This is something that an oven doesn’t excel at. An oven would make the pizza crispier, which is what you want when cooking the pizza originally—but by the leftover stage, the pizza already has enough crispiness. What it really needs is softness, and that’s why the microwave is the right tool for the job.