The Art of Sending Back Your Food

Waiter in restaurant
Photo by Fraser Cottrell on Unsplash

It’s happened to the best of us. You order a dish in a restaurant and it isn’t quite right. Maybe it’s too spicy, or the chef forgot to hold the anchovies as you requested. Either way, you’re now in an unenviable position of having to send back your meal… here’s the best way to do it. 

It’s All in the Tone

In some cases, the manner in which you say something can have more of an impact than what is actually being said. This is one such case. If you are sending food back to the kitchen, do it in a way that is polite and kind. The staff and chef will likely be happy to fix your meal, but avoid making a scene.

Consider If it’s Worth It

As a paying customer, you are perfectly entitled to receiving what you requested — and if there is an allergy or dietary issue involved, sending back your dish is not even a question. That said, with food wastage being such a global problem, ask yourself whether you can work around the imperfections in your meal. 

Gratitude Goes a Long Way

Once your food has been returned, don’t forget to show appreciation. Say thank you, leave a good tip, and spread the word about the good service.