Stay Cool this Summer With These Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

Summer is here, and, if you’re like us, you’ll be spending much of the next few months at the beach. After a long day in the sun, one of our favorite ways to cool down is with a refreshing scoop of delicious ice cream. While going out to a shop is always a treat, there’s something about homemade ice cream that feels a bit more special. We love getting creative with flavors and ingredients, and making our own allows us to enjoy our ice cream at its absolute freshest. If you’d like to try making your own ice cream at home, read on for some of our go-to recipes.

Malted Vanilla Ice Cream with Peanut Brittle & Milk Chocolate Chunks

They had us at “peanut brittle.” Peanut butter and chocolate are already a match made in heaven, but mix them into a base of malted vanilla ice cream, and you’ve got a mouthwatering dessert that kids and adults alike are sure to love. We especially love this recipe by Brown Eyed Baker on a chocolate waffle cone.

Homemade Blueberry Ice Cream

One of the best parts of summer is all of the fresh, seasonal fruit, and what better way could there possibly be to enjoy summer blueberries than mixed into a batch of creamy vanilla ice cream? This recipe by Baked by Rachel is a stunning purple treat that tastes as good as it looks.

Coconut Strawberry Basil Ice Cream

Whether you’re vegan by choice or unable to eat dairy for health reasons, there’s no reason you should have to miss out on ice cream season. This recipe by Early Brawd is made with coconut cream, swirled with juicy strawberries and fresh basil leaves. Sweetened by bananas and just a touch of maple syrup, it’s also surprisingly low in sugar.