Revive Your Stale Bread With This Hack

Photo by Maria Orlova on Unsplash

Have you ever gone to use your bread, only to find that the loaf had gone rock solid because you forgot to close the packaging? Unfortunately, it’s a feeling we know all too well. The good news is that there’s actually a way to revive the bread once it’s gone stale! So unless your bread has gone moldy too, there is hope for your loaf! (If it has gone moldy, I’m sorry to say all hope is lost…) Here’s how you fix that stale bread.

Step 1: Get Your Bread Wet

This sounds weird, but trust the process. Take your loaf and run it under the faucet until the entire crust is wet (but not drenched).

Step 2: Put Your Bread In The Oven

Next, you’re going to set your oven to 300 or 325 degrees Fahrenheit and pop that loaf in for about 5-10 minutes. Keep an eye on the bread and when the crust is nice and crusty, you know it’s revived!

Step 3: Enjoy Your Bread’s Second Life

That’s right, you did it! You successfully revived a loaf of bread! Crusty on the outside and moist on the insidewhat could be better? Now go and enjoy that deliciously warm and toasty bread you just made for yourself.