Reasons You Should Host a Traditional Friday Night Dinner

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

A Shabbat meal is a meal that occurs every Friday night in a Jewish household. Why? We are here to share some of our favorite reasons why both religious and secular Jews still practice this tradition and the top reasons why you should do it too. 

Almost every Jewish family, religious or not, celebrates a Shabbat meal every Friday night. There are many reasons why. The main reason is that it is an excuse to come together with their loved ones at the end of the week and catch up and connect over a meal.

As mentioned before, food is a big part of the Shabbat meal. A Shabbat meal is usually a three-course meal and sometimes even a four-course meal. It usually starts with salads, challah bread, and chicken soup often followed by grilled chicken with roasted vegetables and dessert to finish off. 

The best part is that often families, regardless if they are religious or not, will have a no-phone policy at the Shabbat table, ensuring that family members connect on a deeper level, free from their screens.