Most Delicious and Refreshing Drinks You Can Make with Mangos

Mango drinks
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

Healthy fruits and refreshing drinks will always be there to keep you cool during summertime, but how about combining them into one? If mango happens to be your personal favorite, there are many amazing drinks you can make with this fruit, and these five are a good place to start.

Mango Smoothies

Smoothies can be made with pretty much any fruit and taste amazing. Mango is no exception and it will add extra sweetness to your favorite smoothie combo.

Mango Ice Tea

Ice tea is one of the very best drinks you can pick when looking for a way to stay cool in the summertime, and opting for one made with mangos will make it even better.

Mango Margaritas

The list of cocktails you can make with mangos is pretty much endless. If you want to kick things off with a timeless classic, margaritas are always a good idea.

Mango Lassi

Lassi is one of India’s most beloved yogurt-based drinks. It comes in many different forms and lassi made with mango pulp happens to be one of the most popular sweet variations.

Aam Panna

Another Indian drink you should try sooner than later, Aam panna is made with raw mangos and it’s known for its heat-resistant properties.