Make Your Own Pasta to Elevate Your Dinner Party Dishes

Photo by Anton on Unsplash

Fresh homemade pasta is incomparable to dry pasta, as it brings an incredible texture and subtle flavor that elevates any pasta dish. It is actually quite simple once you get the hang of it, but it will impress your dinner party guests all the same. Here is a quick recipe for homemade pasta.


  • 2 cups of pasta flour
  • 3 eggs
  • Semolina flour
  • Water
  • Salt


  1. Clear a surface on your kitchen top that you can use to knead dough. Pour your flour onto the surface and create a mound with a well in it. Crack your eggs into the well and mix the flour in.
  2. Add tepid water and a pinch of salt to your dough and knead until it is smooth and stretchy. This will take at least 10 minutes, and you can stretch the dough to check if it is ready. Once you have kneaded your dough, wrap it in clingfilm and leave it in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
  3. Cut your dough into smaller portions and roll into thin sheets, either with a rolling pin or a pasta maker. Add semolina flour at this point to your rolling pin or pasta maker to stop the dough from sticking. Once you have your thin sheets, you can cut your pasta into your preferred shape either by hand or with a pasta maker.
  4. Fresh pasta will only need about 3-4 minutes to cook. Serve with your favorite pasta sauce and enjoy!