Leftover Lowdown: Never Reheat These 5 Foods

Photo by Pixzolo Photography on Unsplash

We all love the convenience of reheating last night’s dinner for a quick meal, but did you know not all foods are meant for round two in the microwave? Reheating some foods can totally mess up their flavor and texture, or even worse, pose health risks. Here are five foods you definitely want to skip reheating to keep your taste buds happy and your tummy safe.

Fried Foods

You know those crispy French fries or that juicy fried chicken you had yesterday? Reheating them can remove all their delicious crunchiness and leave you with a sad, soggy mess. Instead, try tossing them into a salad or sandwich!


That leftover rice might seem like an easy microwave fix, but hold up! Reheating rice can actually invite unwanted bacteria, leading to some serious stomach troubles. It’s better to enjoy it fresh or toss it out after a day in the fridge.

Leafy Greens

Say goodbye to wilted salads! Leafy greens like spinach and lettuce turn sad and floppy when reheated. Keep them fresh by leaving them out of the microwave and adding them back into the dish after reheating the other bits.

Eggs in Their Shell

Cracking open a hot mess is definitely not what you’re aiming for. Reheating eggs still in their shell can cause them to, well, explode. Much like fried foods, they’re better mixed into salads or sandwiches.

Dishes with Mayonnaise

Nobody likes separated mayo! Reheating dishes with mayonnaise, like chicken salad or sandwiches, can turn them into a gooey disaster. Stick to enjoying these babies cold for maximum yum.