Keep Your Phone Far Away While Cooking

Phones in the Kitchen
Photo by Dex Ezekiel on Unsplash

When cooking food in the kitchen, it can be easy to forget that there are so many different substances around that can destroy your phone. Not to mention there are also substances that can harm you, but that’s for another article. Right now we want to talk about the dangers of keeping your phone close to you at all times, especially when you’re in the kitchen.

You Don’t Need It

It seems obvious to say, but you really don’t need your phone while cooking. The one exception is that perhaps you’re getting a recipe from your phone, and must be close to it in order to read the instructions—but there’s no reason you can’t put it in the next room.

Plenty of Hazards

There are so many ways for your phone to get ruined while it’s in the kitchen with you. It can get water damage from a spraying nozzle or a splashing pot. It can be the victim of an oil spill. It can fall into a giant pot of tomato sauce. You can accidentally crack the screen with a knife.

You might think that you’re above all that, but all it takes is one little accident and then you’re off to the phone store for another one. So just put it aside!