It’s Time to Grow Up When it Comes to Oatmeal

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

We all remember eating oatmeal as kids. It was delicious back then too. Our parents bought up those Quaker brand flavored oatmeals, with the packets that came in flavors such as cinnamon and spice, maple and brown sugar, and plenty others. These packets of flavored oatmeal turned us on to oatmeal and showed us how delicious it could be. However, if you had a similar experience, we must declare the following—it’s time for us all to grow up when it comes to oatmeal.

The Packets are Loaded With Sugar

If you’ve already graduated from the packets, this article doesn’t apply to you. But if you’re still using that maple and brown sugar flavor like it’s nobody’s business, we hate to burst your bubble: it’s got plenty of sugar, and a lot more than you think.

Graduate From the Packets

The thing is, even when we’re eating those packets, we tell ourselves we’re eating healthy—because it’s oatmeal. But even this oatmeal is incredibly sweet, and you really don’t need that every morning. You’re better off eating a bowl of regular old Cheerios.

But if you’re still set on oatmeal, it’s time to graduate from the packets. You’re better than that. Buy the regular, raw, no strings attached oatmeal. If you want to add something, you’re now free to do so. At least now, you know what you’re doing, you can monitor your intake, you’re conscious of it, and you’re in control.