How to Use Up Leftover Milk to the Fullest

Leftover milk uses
Photo by Brian Suman on Unsplash

Milk is a staple in every kitchen and it can be used for preparing many recipes and drinks. But what can we do when we have a lot of leftover milk in the fridge? Check out some of the best ideas for using up leftover milk.

Chocolate Milk

Chocolate milk is one of those tasty drinks that we all loved when we were children. Put that milk to some good use and bring back childhood memories by making a warm cup of cozy chocolate milk.


One of the easiest and most delicious ways to use extra milk is to whip up some pancakes. This is the perfect breakfast or dessert that the entire family will enjoy.

Dulce De Leche

Dulce de Leche is a creamy and delicious caramel-like sauce from South America that you can easily prepare at home by boiling milk and sugar. This tasty sauce can be refrigerated for a couple of weeks and used for making various desserts.

White Sauce

White sauce that’s made from butter, milk, and flour is a staple for preparing many flavorful recipes such as macaroni and cheese or lasagna.


The most obvious choice for using up leftover milk is making delicious homemade pudding or bread pudding.