How to Take Your S’mores to the Next Level

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Photo by Jessica Ruscello on Unsplash

It’s campfire season and nothing says campfire like some good old-fashioned s’mores. While you certainly can’t go wrong with the classic chocolate-marshmallow-graham cracker combo, sometimes it’s fun to mix things up a bit and try something new. We’ve got a few tricks that are sure to take your s’mores from good to great, which just leaves one question: how do you like your marshmallows?

Sub Peanut Butter Cups for Chocolate

This could also work with many other candies, but the size of most peanut butter cups just so happens to fit pretty perfectly with the average graham cracker. Peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven, but with marshmallows? Almost too good for this world.

Try Flavored Marshmallows

There are many companies that make similar products, but one of our favorites is Smashmallow. They’ve got seasonal flavors like Candy Cane and Pumpkin Pie, and tons of other delicious flavors available year-round. We love the Cinnamon Churro! 

Use Something Salty

It may sound unusual, but hear us out. Sweet and salty is a winning combination; think salted caramel. Try saltine crackers, pretzels, or even potato chips for your s’mores base for a deliciously well-rounded treat that’s sure to please.