How to Pick the Best High-Fiber Breakfast Cereal?

Photo by Denny Müller on Unsplash

Breakfast is the perfect time to add some more fiber to your daily menu, but things can get tricky if cereal happens to be your go-to meal. Many popular brands sell highly processed cereal with low fiber content, but these tips can help you avoid them and opt for a healthy, high-fiber cereal instead.

Avoid Sugary Cereals

The more sugar your cereal contains, the less fiber it will have. Breakfast cereals that are best known for their sweet, sugary taste usually contain 1 gram of fiber per serving. This isn’t a satisfactory amount, since you should look for a cereal that has at least 3 grams per serving.

Whole Grain Cereals

Whole-grain foods are known as an amazing source of fiber and that’s why you should go for cereals that fall under this category. You can boost your fiber intake by ditching highly processed cereals and replacing them with whole-grain ones.

Fiber-Rich Toppings

If you enjoy adding toppings to your cereal, make sure they’re high in fiber. Chia seeds, nuts, fruits, and veggies are a great source of fiber. Just make sure you’re not going overboard with some of them so you wouldn’t turn your healthy breakfast into a calorie bomb.