How To Make Your Pasta Tasty But Healthy

Pasta and garlic
Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash

If you’re someone who loves pasta, chances are you’re always on the lookout for a brilliant new recipe that’s going to satisfy your taste buds. However, as you know, some of the most delicious pasta recipes aren’t always so healthy. We’re here to give you a shockingly easy recipe that’s both super healthy and also flavorful as ever. Let’s get started!

Aglio E Olio Pasta

If you’ve never heard of Aglio e olio pasta, it’s only the most subtly brilliant pasta dish in existence. It doesn’t claim to knock you off your feet. It doesn’t claim to wow you with extravagant flavors galore. Rather, it’s a simple mixture of heated garlic and olive oil that does the job it needs to.

All you have to do is sauté some chopped garlic in a frying pan with olive oil, and add it to your plain pasta. Add kosher salt, red chili flakes, and some parmesan in order to maximize the effect. You might think that this is about as basic as it gets, but that’s precisely the point of this dish. It serves to remind us that pasta is delicious on its own, and doesn’t need all the bells and whistles to enjoy it. Rather, a mere subtle addition of cooked garlic and olive oil is sometimes exactly what you need—and it’s healthy too!