How to Make the Best Stovetop Popcorn Ever

Stovetop popcorn in a bowl
Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Making stovetop popcorn is a straightforward process, and yet there are many things that can go wrong with it. If you’re always making mediocre popcorn but aren’t sure what you’re doing wrong, here are our best tips to follow.

Big Pot

You’re going to need a big pot so your popcorn can have enough room to move around. That’s really the only thing that matters for a popcorn pot. Different kinds work more or less the same, and if you don’t have a pot that’s big enough, you can try putting fewer kernels into it.


The trick to the most delicious popcorn you’ve ever made is in the oil. You need to coat the bottom of the pot with oil and add the kernels before it gets hot. This will ensure your popcorn is crispy and delicious. There’s no need to add any additional oil (like butter) later in the process.

Let Them Pop

There’s no need to constantly shake the pot like you may be used to. Once they start popping and filling your pot, shake occasionally just to get kernels to the bottom. Since you put enough oil, nothing should stick. Just listen carefully and remove the popcorn from the stove once they sound almost done!