Healthy and Portable Snacks to Eat While on the Run

Energy bars
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

If you find yourself in need of a delicious and healthy snack to fuel your day, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a short list of name-brand portion-controlled and healthy snacks to keep you satisfied throughout your busy day.

Wonderful Pistachios

Wonderful pistachios come in a variety of flavors including chili lime and honey roasted. They are truly wonderful, and healthy, and come in potable snack-size bags that will fit right in your purse!

Quest Protein Chips

Quest protein chips are a tasty fuel-packed snack, especially when you’re craving some Doritos or potato chips! The chips come in a variety of flavors such as Nacho Cheese, BBQ, and taco, which are lower-calorie and higher protein than typical brand-name potato chips.

Portion Controlled Trail Mix

Opt for store brands that offer a portion-controlled snack pack of Trail Mix that will be a delicious pick-me-up that keeps the calories in check. Trader Joe’s offers a great variety of these snack bags.

RXBAR Protein Bars

These powerhouse bars are made with few and simple ingredients, making them a healthier alternative to many other protein bars on the market.

Bumble Bee Protein On the Run

Tuna is delicious as a lunch or snack, and offers protein and omega 3s! These packs come with crackers and many different flavors such as Zesty Lemon in olive oil, making it a filling snack great for someone who is constantly on the move.