Food Delivery Via Drones Could be a Reality Soon

Food delivery using drones might sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but the reality is that it could be coming to a city near you.

UberEats is a service that delivers food to customers in the United States. Recently, they have gotten approval from American authorities to test out a new food delivery system in the city of San Diego, California that relies on drones.

UberEats sees big potential in drone delivery, with the potential time required to make a delivery using the sky instead of roads being up to two times as fast. Instead of having to deal with annoying traffic jams and all of the potential pitfalls of traveling on a road, drone-delivered food can simply fly above them.

For now, the trial that is set to begin in San Diego will not drone deliver food directly to consumers’ homes, but will rather take them to designated drop-off locations at which their couriers will wait for the deliveries. From there, the couriers will deliver the orders short distances to consumers’ homes or places of work.

What do you think? Is delivering food via drone a good idea, or do you think the old car or motorcycle system works just fine?