Filtered Water vs. Bottled Water: What is Best?

Water bottle
Photo by Maurício Mascaro, Pexels

Drinking enough water is key to staying healthy and hydrated. But have you ever wondered if the source matters? Let’s take a look. 

Filtered water is essentially tap water that you run through a filter. This could be a filter directly built into your faucet or a stand-alone filter, like a Brita, that you fill up. 

The advantage of filtered water is that it’s cost-effective and convenient. Although the initial investment of setting up a filter system might feel like a lot, over time you’ll end up saving more money by not having to buy bottles of water regularly. You’ll also never run out of clean water with a refillable system.

One of the key advantages of bottled water, on the other hand, is taste and mineral content. Oftentimes filters will reduce the amount of healthy minerals in your water. Bottled water is often enriched with minerals like magnesium. Bottled water is also more portable and you can easily take it with. However, the environmental impact of plastic is an important downside to consider. 

At the end of the day, both options have pros and cons, so experiment and find the best option for you and your family.