Don’t Throw These Items Down the Drain

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

When it’s time to clean up, there are certain items you should be tossing in your trash can instead of down the drain..

Cooking oil and grease

These are the main culprits when it comes to blocking up your plumbing system. Don’t ever pour hot oil into the trash. Allow it to cool down and pour it into a container with a lid before throwing it in the garbage.


Tiny fish bones will break down easily. However, bigger bones will be rough on the blades of your garbage disposal. Throw them in the trash can instead.

Fibrous Foods

Foods high in fiber can play havoc with the blades of your garbage disposal. Strands of celery, corn husks and asparagus can easily get caught in the blades. They can also tangle up to form an obstructive ball.


Some people believe eggshells are harmful to blades because they bond to them while others think they sharpen the blades. Avoid the controversy by using them to give the tomatoes in your veggie garden a boost of calcium.