Delicious Recipes You Can Prepare With Matcha

Matcha ideas
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Matcha green tea has become extremely popular in recent years thanks to its health benefits and versatility. Matcha can be used for so much more than preparing teas and lattes, so check out a few great dessert recipes you can easily prepare at home using this nutritious tea.

Matcha Crepes

In case you’re looking to upgrade your pancake recipes and make this popular breakfast food more appealing and healthy, adding matcha tea to the mix is the perfect way to do it.

Matcha Chia Seed Pudding

This is a healthy take on one of the most popular desserts and you can easily recreate this recipe at home with just a few ingredients such as almond milk, matcha powder, and chia seeds.

Matcha Fudge

Fudge is certainly not the healthiest dessert to make because it’s high in sugar, but adding matcha is a nice way to make this treat more flavorful and nutritious.

Matcha Yogurt Pops

Popsicles are the perfect frozen treats for hot summer days and they’re usually made with fresh fruit. However, you can also use matcha green tea powder to make creamy popsicles that the kids will love.