Tips for Cooking With Wine

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

So you want to try cooking with wine but are not exactly confident in your cooking skills? No worries, with a few tips in this article, you’ll have success every time.

Use the Wine You Like

Don’t take some cheap wine for cooking or even some expensive stuff, for that matter. Start with the wine you like the drink, as it will ensure you like the way your dish tastes.

Tone Down Other Acidic Ingredients

If you are using wine, then make sure you don’t go overboard with other acidic ingredients. For example, if the recipe asks for lemon juice or vinegar, don’t add them alongside the wine. Instead, use just the wine.

Add it Slowly

Don’t pour out an entire glass straight away. Instead, keep adding wine gradually during the cooking process. This will allow the flavors to develop and ensure wine isn’t overwhelming other ingredients.

Know Your Wines

Finally, you should know a little something about wines before engaging in cooking with wine. One of the things you should especially be careful about is pairing. For example, red wine goes well with red meat, so you should use it when cooking red meat as well. White wine is best paired with fish and chicken, which also applies to cooking. Also, avoid tannic-heavy wines as they can make your dish bitter.