Caffeinated Drinks to Make That Aren’t Coffee

Non-coffee caffeine drinks
Photo by Arseniy Kapran on Unsplash

We all need a little boost first thing in the morning, and many people turn to coffee. But coffee isn’t for everyone. Some people find it has too much caffeine, while others claim it upsets their stomach, and others simply don’t like the taste. Luckily, there are some great alternatives to coffee that will let you have caffeine in your day.

Green Tea

Green tea is known to have many health benefits. It’s packed with anti-oxidants and has been shown to help lower blood pressure, body fat, and risk of type 2 diabetes. It’s got less caffeine than coffee, but has other properties which can help you concentrate.

Yerba Mate

Yerba mate tea is the national drink of Paraguay, and is drunk throughout that region of South America. It is just as caffeinated as coffee, and is rich in anti-oxidants as well as various vitamins. Like coffee, it can be a bit of an acquired taste, but it is quite nice with a smoky flavor once you get used to it.

English Breakfast

If you want to go the British route, try switching to black tea rather than coffee. English breakfast or any other British tea is best drunk with a splash of milk and some sugar or honey. It’s less caffeinated than coffee, and the taste is nice and comforting. Plus, it’s much cheaper to buy.