Boring Pasta? No Worries! Check Out This Quick and Delicious Solutions

Photo by Sarah Boyle on Unsplash

Pasta is one of the cheapest meals to make, with most brands selling a pound of pasta for around a buck. Even better, it’s a great base to add tons of flavor and healthy ingredients. If you are looking for ways to make your pasta more healthful but still satisfying, try adding in these ingredients.


Garlic is a super cheap and a sure way to boost the flavor of your pasta. Simply tossing the pasta in a combination of fried garlic in olive oil will transform your pasta from bland and ordinary into something bursting with flavor and health benefits.

Red Chili Flakes

Red chili flakes are another really cheap way to really give a boost of flavor to your pasta while still keeping it super healthy. Adding spice to your food is good for your digestion and circulation, so bring on the chili!

Artichoke Hearts

Buying frozen artichoke hearts will greatly reduce the price compared to buying fresh, and they’re also much easier than using fresh artichokes (let’s face it – there’s no lengthy prep needed!). Additionally, they add in tons of nutrients, flavor, and texture. Add a simple tomato sauce as the perfect finishing touch, and throw in some black olives to give your dish that extra kick of flavor and enjoy!