Best Ways to Make Delicious Ice Pops Without Popsicle Molds

Ice Pops
Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

Ice pops are one of the best homemade summer desserts, but did you know you don’t need a fancy ice pop mold to make them? There are many amazing alternatives that you can use instead, and these four are a good place to start.

Muffin Tins

A muffin tin is secretly one of the most versatile tools in your kitchen. You can use it to make all sorts of different treats, including ice pops – especially if you have a silicon muffin mold.

Plastic Cups

Instead of throwing old plastic cups away, put them to some good use by utilizing them to make delicious ice pops. They’ll taste and look just as good as the real thing, while also being made in an eco-friendly way.

Yogurt Container

Speaking of sustainable alternatives to ice pop molds, old yogurt containers will also get the job done. Save them up for later, and use them to freeze your favorite ice pop mixture. It’s recommended to run them under warm water before getting them out, just like with regular molds.

Ice Cube Trays

When everything else fails, you can use your ice cube tray to make bite-sized ice pops, but you’ll probably be tempted to eat more than one at a time because they’re so tiny.