Autumn is Coming—Here’s What’s in Season

Fall Produce
Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

One of the best parts of summer is all of the delicious produce that the season brings. Things like watermelon, strawberries, fresh corn, and tomatoes have been staples in our diets over the last few months, and while we’re sad to see them go until next summer, we’re also looking forward to enjoying all of the incredible fruits and vegetables that fall has to offer. Read on to learn more about the best produce about to be in season. 

Apples & Pears

Both members of the Rosaceae family, apples and pears begin to ripen in late summer and hit their peak around the end of September, though some varieties continue to be available well into October. One of our favorite ways to enjoy these fruits is by picking our own at local orchards and then using them to prepare homemade goodies like pear sauce and apple crisp.

Cruciferous Veggies

Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage grow best in cooler temperatures and are usually harvested in mid to late fall. While it’s true that you can find frozen versions of most of these veggies at the grocery store year-round, we find they’re even better when picked fresh and enjoyed as a part of a side dish or salad in season. You may even be able to find heirloom varieties at your local farmer’s market.


Most of us are familiar with September through November as the season of all things pumpkin flavored, but the truth is that pumpkins are just one of many types of squash at their peak between late summer and fall. Delicata, Acorn, and Butternut Squash are a few other varieties with sweet flavors that pair well with warming spices like cinnamon. Just roast, puree, and substitute at a 1:1 ratio.