Almas Caviar Is the Most Expensive Food in the World

Caviar is known for being expensive, but there’s one variety that’s currently the most expensive food in the world. It’s Almas caviar with a fitting name that means “diamond” in Russian.

Caviar dates back to the Persian Empire when it was consumed with the belief that it gives strength and endurance to those who eat it. It also existed in ancient Greece in Rome, where it was believed it had medicinal properties. It was always the food of the rich. Caviar disappeared during the dark Middle Ages only to be rediscovered in the 12th century, but this time it was used as a cheap source of protein among Russian fishermen and peasants.

Today, the situation is a bit different. Caviar is one of the most luxurious foods and Almas caviar is on the top of the list. It comes from albino beluga fish that lives in the Caspian sea. The albino fish give white eggs and the salting process provides an amazing flavor to this luxurious type of caviar. It can be bought only in Caviar House & Prunier stores and the price is upward $25,000 per kilo (2.2lbs). The packaging is equally luxurious and covered in 24-karat gold.