Allergy-Friendly Lunch Ideas for Kids

Kid's Lunches
Photo by Hillshire Farm on Unsplash

Food allergies have been on the rise over the past few decades, and children, in particular, are being diagnosed at greater rates than ever before. Previously, parents carried the bulk of the responsibility for ensuring the safety of their individual children. In recent years, however, many schools have implemented policies designed to protect children with allergies and create inclusive environments. Whether your children have food allergies themselves or attend a school with strict policies, finding appropriate lunch options can be a challenge. Keep reading for some of our favorite allergy-friendly lunch ideas that any child is sure to love. 

No Nuts Allowed

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a school lunch staple for many children, but, unfortunately, peanuts and tree nut allergies are some of the most common and can also be especially dangerous. If your child can’t go without their favorite PB&J, try swapping the nut butter with an allergy-friendly alternative like sunflower seed butter. Many stores have also started to carry nut-free granola bars, so be sure to check labels to find suitable snacks to include on the side.

Go Gluten-Free

Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and wheat allergies are distinct conditions that each have different causes at a scientific level. However, practically speaking, managing each condition mainly involves avoiding wheat and other gluten-containing products. Fortunately, there are now plenty of options available made with rice and other gluten-free grains. Swap traditional bread with a gluten-free brand to make any favorite sandwiches safe for school, or fill a corn tortilla with veggies and cheese and use cookie cutters to make fun miniature sandwich bites. 

Deliciously Dairy-Free

Foods like pizza and grilled cheese are frequently the standard in school cafeterias, and not being able to eat them may cause children with allergies to feel left out. If your child has a dairy allergy, try including a make-your-own pizza kit in their lunchbox using some pita, tomato sauce, and a dairy-free cheese alternative. They’ll be able to prepare their own pizza exactly as they like and enjoy pizza day alongside all of their friends.