A Few Great Snack Options to Get You Through the Day

Hard-boiled eggs
Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

We’ve all been taught that there are three main meals of the day (unless we’re in Middle Earth’s Shire, where second breakfasts are a common occurrence). Unfortunately, as satisfying as those three meals are, we’re often craving food in between these times. If we could just stick to those three meals, nutritionists say, we’d be able to keep our health in check. But doing this is a lot easier said than done, which is why it’s important to have good snacks to hold us over in the meantime.


Nuts are surprisingly filling for a food item that’s as small as it is. As long as you don’t eat too many of them, they can actually be a great source of nutrition and a solid transition food between meals.

Hard-Boiled Egg

Hard-boiled eggs aren’t exactly “spontaneous” foods, because you need to boil them in advance before eating them. But if you do so in the beginning of the week, you’ll have yourself a solid snack option that’s both delicious and a lot healthier than the potato chips that are in your cupboard.


And finally, we have ourselves another excellent snack option to hold you over: fruit. Whether you’re an orange, kiwi, mango, or apple person, they’re usually pretty darn healthy and tastier than ever.