5 Useful Portion Control Tips

Portion control
Photo by Sander Dalhuisen on Unsplash

Portion control is for sure one of the best ways to lose weight or maintain a healthy diet and prevent overeating. Check out these simple tips that will help you control your portions in the future.

Fill Your Plate With Veggies

Eating plenty of veggies with every meal is a great way to improve your diet and control portions. This is because veggies are rich in fiber and make us feel full faster, so we’re less likely to overeat. 

Drink Water

Drinking a glass of water before a meal is a simple trick that can help control your appetite and reduce your chance of overeating.

Slow Down

There’s a good reason why slow eating is important for eating healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Our brains need time to register that we’re full, and that’s why people who eat fast usually end up eating more food.

Limit the Distraction

Many people like eating while watching TV or their smartphone, which is a really bad habit because we tend to eat more than we should when we’re distracted.

Use Smaller Dishes

Serving your food in smaller plates or bowls will reduce your chances of overeating because some studies show that we tend to eat bigger portions when eating from larger dishes.