5 Types of Mushrooms You Should Start Eating Today

Mushroom varieties
Photo by Andrew Ridley on Unsplash

There are more than 2000 edible mushroom species in the world, so it would be a shame to stick to your usual white buttons. Here are some super healthy mushrooms you should start using today that you may not have tried in the past.


These mushrooms have a rich earthy flavor and meaty texture and they’re a good source of vitamins and minerals. Shiitake can be a perfect nutritious addition to your salads, soups, or stews.

Lion’s Mane

Apart from its interesting name, Lion’s Mane has one more interesting feature: its flavor is usually compared to lobster or crab because it tastes like seafood.


These bright yellow-orange mushrooms are often added to omelets, pasta, and other savory dishes because they’re tasty and have a beautiful meaty texture.


Oyster mushrooms are one of the most popular mushrooms in the world and they’re an excellent source of protein, vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients. These mushrooms are super healthy, filling, and can be added to any dish that calls for mushrooms.


In case you’re looking to replace meat with mushrooms, hen-of-the-woods is probably the perfect choice because they taste great and have a wonderful meaty texture.