5 Tips to Help Switch to a Vegan Diet

Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Decided to be vegan but not sure where to start? Whether you’ve become vegan to help the environment, animal welfare or to be more healthy—veganism can seem daunting at first.

Here are 5 top tips to help make your transition to veganism simple and straightforward.

Get Informed

The best advice when you start out is to find good vegan blogs or websites that can give you reliable information about nutrition requirements.

Learn Nutritional Values

The best sources of protein are soy, legumes, whole-grain, quinoa, leafy green vegetables, nuts and nut butters. Iron can be found in legumes, grains, leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds. Zinc in beans, nuts, seeds, oats and nutritional yeast. Calcium in leafy green vegetables, beans, almonds, sesame, fortified non-dairy milk and juices. And omega-3 fatty acids are in flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts and algae.

Start Slowly

You don’t have to become vegan overnight. If you’re unsure of how to healthily live as a vegan, start by having one vegan meal per day and then build from there.

Fill the Fridge With New Foods

Fill up the fridge with new foods so you always have enough to eat and experiment with.


Get Creative

The best way to really enjoy your veganism is to get innovative and adventurous in the kitchen. See veganism as an opportunity to try loads of new foods and flavors rather than as a constriction on what you can eat.