5 Tasty Tricks for Making the Most of Leftover Pumpkins

Things to do with leftover pumpkin
Photo by Ollie LevelUp Studio on Unsplash

As we approach the Halloween season, there are going to be a lot of leftover pumpkins. If you don’t want to just throw away these leftovers, there are loads of delicious things you can do with them. Here are 3 simple ideas for making the most out of your leftover pumpkins.

Pumpkin Sage Pasta

This delightfully light and airy dish is perfect for a cozy night in or a refined dinner. Simply whip up a pumpkin sauce in the frying pan on a medium heat. As it’s simmering, season with sage, salt and pepper. Serve with firm penne pasta and grated parmesan cheese.

Pumpkin Bread

Pumpkin bread is like banana bread but made from pumpkins. Add ripe pumpkin to a flour mix and bake for 30-40 minutes. You can make sweet or savory pumpkin bread depending on your tastes. It’s great served with maple syrup for sweet or cream cheese for savory.

Roasted Pumpkin

Simply cut a round hole in the top of the pumpkin. Scoop out the flesh and the seeds of the pumpkin and leave to one side. Cut up the remaining pumpkin into about 8 pieces, place on a baking tray. After brushing them with olive oil and seasoning with salt and pepper, bake in the oven for 1 hour 15 minutes.