4 Ways to Save Money While Grocery Shopping at Aldi

Photo by Marques Thomas on Unsplash

Aldi is widely considered one of the most affordable grocery chains in the United States. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t save more money by shopping for groceries here. Check out how to do it below.

Grabbed Those Weekly Grocery Ads

Aldi highlights its best deals in the form of “Weekly Grocery Ads.” You can find them on the internet or take a paper version in the store. Make sure to grab them every week and flip through them to ensure you don’t miss out on some amazing deals.

Get the Discounted Baked Good

Aldi slashes the prices of its baked goods as they approach the expiry date. Shoppers have noticed that baked goods that are two days away from expiring often cost half of their original price.

Buy Aldi Brands

One of the easiest ways to save money at Aldi is to buy their brands. They are usually a lot cheaper compared to the popular brands but come with similar quality.

Use the Twice as Nice Guarantee

Aldi has a unique return policy called “Twice as Nice Guarantee.” According to the grocery chain, if you are not “100% satisfied with the purchased product,” you can return it and get it replaced while also receiving a refund. Keep in mind that this policy doesn’t apply to all brands and products.