4 Things You Can Do to Eat More Sustainably

Sustainable eating
Photo by Ella Olsson on Unsplash

Sustainability is growing in popularity and it’s quickly changing our everyday habits. There are plenty of things we can do to live more sustainably, and changing our eating habits is certainly one of them. Here are a few easy ways to eat more sustainably.

Avoid Plastic Packaging

Disposable plastics are often used only once and unfortunately they’re not recyclable. That’s why avoiding plastic bags, water bottles, and food that comes in plastic packaging could really help the environment.

Cut Your Food Waste

Food waste is also one of the biggest environmental problems because we throw away nearly 30% of produced food every year. Meal planning and upcycling food are two easy habits that could help you reduce your food waste.

Eat Less Meat

Agriculture is one of the leading polluting industries, which is why eating less meat is one of the ways to lead a more sustainable lifestyle.

Shop Local

Buying food at a local farmers’ market is a simple way to support local businesses and help the environment. By reducing our food miles we can easily reduce our food miles and help reduce pollution.