4 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Making Popcorn

Photo by Georgia Vagim on Unsplash

In theory, popcorn should be an easy snack to prepare. You just put some kernels and salt in heated oil, wait until they pop up, and dig in. But if you tried to make popcorn a few times in your life, you know things are more complicated than this. 

There is a way to prevent your popcorn-making adventure from ending up with popcorn that is either bland, burnt, too chewy, or not properly popped. You make sure to avoid some common mistakes.

Using Old Kernels

For perfect popcorn, you need to have fresh kernels. If you use the ones that have been sitting in your pantry for too long, the chances are that they will not pop well and taste less enjoyable.

Drenching the Kernels in Oil

If you put too much oil in the pot, the kernels will have a harder time reaching their popping temperature. Also, you will end up with many oil-soaked popcorns.

Forgetting to Shake

This is the most common reason behind un-popped kernels and burnt popcorn. You have to frequently shake the pot in order to get the un-popped kernels on the bottom and prevent the ones that popped from sticking to the bottom and burning out.

Not Turning the Heat Down

The ideal temperature for kernels to start popping is medium-high heat. However, once they start to pop, you shouldn’t leave it like that. Instead, turn it down a notch and say goodbye to burned popcorn.