3 Unique Additions to a Charcuterie Board

Photo by Aaron Huber on Unsplash

It seems as if everything has already been done in terms of charcuterie boards. Some people even moved on and started making butter boards instead. No matter how much time passes, though, we’re convinced there is nothing that comes close to a classic charcuterie board. There’s just something about a beautiful display of cheese, crackers, and various nuts and fruit that stands the test of time! If you’re feeling like everything’s already been done before, here are three unique additions to complete your next board.

Salami Roses

Show off your designing skills with this beautiful salami flower. Despite how intimidating they may look, they are relatively simple to make. Place a few of these around your board, and they are sure to impress at your next gathering.

Alternating Cheese Trail

Instead of separating the cheeses by section, try mixing the slices together in an alternating pattern. You can make a trail across the board, or keep it limited to a corner. This makes your board look more professional, even though all it took you was a couple extra minutes!

Garnish! Garnish! Garnish!

Yes, it’s okay if everything on your board isn’t edible! Sometimes all you need is a little seasonal garnish to level up your board. Let your inner charcuterie board designer shine through.