3 Tips for Making Grilled Calamari of Your Dreams

Calamari steak
Image by ailinder from Pixabay

If you eat seafood on a regular basis, grilled calamari is one of the delicious dishes that you should master making ASAP. It’s basically a fancy name for squid and you can make it extra-tasty and crispy by grilling it, especially if you follow these three tips along the way.

Tender Calamari

The secret to the most irresistible calamari is to perfectly tenderize the meat and make it less chewy. This step shouldn’t be overlooked and thirty minutes of soaking your squid in lemon juice are all it takes to break down the texture of your meat. Soaking it in milk overnight is also an option.

Close Eye

The tricky thing about calamari is that it cooks pretty quickly on the grill and it doesn’t take long for your meat to turn from perfectly crispy to rubbery. To avoid this problem, keep a close eye on your calamari as it grills to make sure it remains perfectly tender.

Flavor Combos

Your calamari will be as delicious as the foods you serve it with. Eating it on its own is always an option, but Mediterranean seasonings will truly bring out the best in it. You can also toss it in salads, especially if you’re using cherry tomatoes, chopped garlic, and olives as add-ins.