3 Things to Keep in Mind When Storing Freshly Baked Bread

Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

There’s something magical about baking your own loaf of bread and eating it while it’s fresh… but it won’t stay fresh for too long. That’s why it’s important to find a proper storage method that works for you and here are three tips that will help you determine which one is the best.

Freezing Time

Some people swear by refrigerating their bread while others would never go down that road. If you bake large quantities at once, freezing your bread for up to two months is a better option.

Room Temperature

Storing your bread at room temperature is better than keeping it in the fridge, but there are a few tricks you can use to keep it fresh for longer. Bread boxes exist for a reason, and they’ll stop your bread from getting too dry too fast. Using plastic wrap is also an option because it will slow down the drying process.

No Slicing

Don’t slice your bread until you’re planning to eat it because the exposed interior will dry out too quickly. If you make this mistake, remember to put slices close together and wrap them with plastic wrap to keep them fresh for longer.