3 Protein Hacks to Make Sure You’re Getting Enough

Photo by Tetiana Bykovets on Unsplash

Protein is a vital part of staying healthy and it can be hard to get enough in your daily diet. If you’re looking to build muscle or even just maintain muscle mass, protein is a key component of this. Here are three protein hacks that you can implement to make sure you’re getting enough protein.

Breakfasts Packed With Protein

Starting your day with a decent portion of protein can help you with your daily intake. Simple ways to incorporate protein into your breakfast include peanut butter (on toast or in porridge), yogurt in your cereal, extra nuts in your cereal, and eggs if you fancy a cooked breakfast. These ingredients can be swapped up daily so you get a healthy balance and will give you an immediate protein boost.

Protein-Rich Snacks

Instead of snacking on chocolate or crisps, there is a great range of protein-rich snacks that will satisfy your cravings whilst providing you with more nutrition. Nuts are easy protein (almonds and cashews are classics) and they are very portable, or you could snack on hard-boiled eggs or protein bars if you fancy something more savory.

High Protein Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to incorporate more protein into your day without having to make a big change to your diet. You can add nut butter, yogurt, and even protein powder to your smoothie to make it protein-packed. Drinking this smoothie between meals will give a great boost to your protein intake and help you maintain and build muscle.