3 Natural Smoothie Sweeteners You Should Be Using

Natural smoothie sweeteners
Photo by Claudia Soares on Unsplash

Some people don’t sweeten their smoothies at all because fruits give them natural sweetness, while others can’t imagine making them without added sugar. If you’re one of those people who has a habit of sweetening their smoothies, here are three natural sweeteners that you should consider using.


Dates are commonly used as a sugar replacement in many desserts, including smoothies. It’s easy to blend them thanks to their smooth and chewy texture, and you don’t need a lot to make your smoothies sweet. It also doesn’t hurt their case that they’re high in minerals and potassium.

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is easily added to smoothies thanks to its liquid form, but it’s important to check the labels before buying it. If you make the right choice and pick a variety that doesn’t contain any artificial sweeteners, maple syrup will do wonders for your smoothies because it’s a good source of iron, vitamins, and minerals.


Molasses is the main component of fine brown sugar, but you can also use it in its liquid form to sweeten smoothies and many other sweet treats. Just like maple syrup, it contains a good amount of iron, vitamins, and minerals, and it will add rich quality to your smoothies.