3 Healthy Cereals That Are Also Delicious

Photo by Margarita Zueva on Unsplash

When we wake up in the morning, we often want to fill our bellies with cereal to give us energy for the day. But let’s be real—it can be hard to find foods that are healthy and nutritious enough to satisfy this quota. Amidst all of the sugar-filled products that are promoted to us day in and day out by major corporations, it can be hard to detect which cereals are actually healthy. However, these three cereals are all great healthy choices, and tasty as well!

Multi-Grain Special K

Not every Special K variety is the healthiest thing on the planet, but there are some that you should stick to. The multi-grain variety, especially the one that adds “a hint of cinnamon”, is one of the healthiest and tastiest cereals you can eat in the morning.

Chia Seed Cereal

We’ll agree that chia seeds probably aren’t for everyone. However, certainly among one of the healthiest foods around, so if you can find yourself enjoying the taste as well, you’re in a great position. You’ll enjoy this breakfast every time, and your body will always thank you.

Whole Grain Oatmeal

Oatmeal is possibly the most popular cereal in the world, but not every oatmeal is created equally. Some of them are less healthy than others, which is why you should be going with the whole grain variety. It’s much more nutritious, and it tastes amazing!