3 Different Varieties of Orange You’ll Love

Blood Orange
Photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

Oranges are one of the most delicious fruits out there, and this is true for so many reasons. The citrus-like burst of flavor you get from sinking your teeth into one is unlike anything else. There’s a reason orange juice is so popular, after all! But which kind of orange is the best? It turns out that there are many different varieties of orange, and here are three that will be sure to keep you satisfied.

Blood Orange

Starting off with the exotic, we encounter the striking blood orange. With its crimson flesh and a distinct raspberry-like taste, this beauty is as visually stunning as it is delicious. As you slice through its distinctive hue, the tantalizing aroma fills the air, hinting at the delightful taste that awaits.


Next, let’s savor the zesty charm of the tangerine. These petite and vibrant citrus fruits are a true treat for the senses. Known for its easy-to-peel skin and bright, citrusy aroma, this variety is a popular choice for snacking.


If you prefer a milder citrus experience, the delicate and seedless clementine is the one for you. Its sweet and refreshing taste will leave you craving more, and it’s a satisfying snack for any time of day.