3 Breakfast Options That Aren’t Great for You

We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal, but that completely changes if you eat something you definitely shouldn’t. You should fill up on something healthy and nutrition in the morning and options like these below need to be avoided.

Fruit Juice

Fresh orange juice in the morning is delicious but think of all the sugar it contains. It may help you wake up quicker than a cup of coffee, but you’ll quickly run out of that energy and be hungry again, likely reaching for more sugary things.

Bakery Products

Pastry tastes great and stopping by your favorite bakery in the morning is so convenient, but most of the stuff there is really unhealthy. If you must, choose something made with whole wheat flour and eat it with butter or cream cheese.

Greasy Eggs and Processed Meat

Fried eggs sound like a perfectly reasonable breakfast, but it’s better to boil them instead and get rid of all the unnecessary fat. And if you like to eat a few sausages or a salami sandwich with the eggs, better replace that with something healthier like whole-wheat toast and a cup of tea.