3 Best Ways to Remove Your Homemade Popsicles From Their Molds

Photo by Daniel Öberg on Unsplash

Making popsicles is all fun and games until it’s time to remove them. This is the most excruciating part of making popsicles, but it shouldn’t be. There are tips and tricks you can use to do it with ease, and these three are a good place to start.

Good Mold

The mold you’re using can make or break your popsicle-making adventure. Popsicle molds come in many shapes and sizes and they’re made of all sorts of different materials. Put some effort into finding a quality mold and don’t be cheap because it’s a one-time investment.

Hot Water Treatment

The best way to safely remove your popsicles from your mold is to run it under hot water beforehand. A few seconds is usually all it takes, but you can also consider dipping your mold in warm water for 20 to 30 seconds, making it easier to remove them.

Avoid Room Temperatures

Leaving popsicle mold at room temperature before removing ice pops is one of the most popular unmolding methods, but it’s not extremely effective. It’s a messy process because your ice pops won’t have clean edges and you shouldn’t be surprised if they break because they’ll thaw unevenly.