Why Smash Burgers Are So Delicious

Photo by Yoad Shejtman on Unsplash

One of the biggest trends in the food industry these days is smash burgers. Many reputable burger joints take pride in the fact that they make smash burgers, and the results are often truly delicious. But what are smash burgers, exactly? How do they differ from “regular” burgers? And finally, what makes smash burgers so darn tasty?

Cooking in Real Time

A smash burger is essentially a burger that gets formed and cooked in real-time. At its core, you may have some ground beef, usually mixed with a range of different flavors and seasonings. Then, you “smash” it onto on red hot grill with a special iron-like tool, thus not only cooking the burger, but also shaping it as it’s getting cooked.

Taste Sensation

When you smash the beef on the grill to make a smash burger, the fat that’s within the ground beef has nowhere to go but back into the patty. This allows the newly formed burger to be cooked within its own delicious juices, making it truly a sensational kind of hamburger.

There are all kinds of smash burgers out there, and which kind you’ll go for all depends on your preference. But if you’ve never tried one, we highly recommend getting out there and giving it a shot!